A) Work towards enhancing peace, empowering communities, and promoting communal harmony.
B) Develop strong partnerships and provide comprehensive support to key institutions such as parliament, courts, human rights commission, ministries, divisional secretariats, municipal councils, government departments and institutions, Sri Lanka police and other national security authorities.
C) To ensure the observance and promotion of the constitutional provisions and principles of Sri Lanka.
D) Organization of effective seminars, workshops, motivational programs, and events aimed at improving social awareness, upholding civil laws, and strengthening key institutions mentioned in (b) above.
E) To show appreciation by recognizing and awarding meritorious senior citizens, social workers, winners, and young entrepreneurs who have made valuable contributions.
F) Providing assistance to the needy in various fields including education, health, arts, music, sports, transport, information technology (it), all cultures, all religions, agriculture, irrigation, energy projects, and infrastructure.
G) Actively engage in disaster management efforts including initiatives such as providing clean water, promoting sanitation, ensuring access to nutritious food, implementing eco-friendly projects such as green world projects, managing the ecosystem and providing aid to the affected and refugees. By disasters
H) Provide humanitarian aid, support persons with disabilities, promote sustainable development, initiate rehabilitation projects, establish homes for the elderly and children, conduct medical campaigns, facilitate blood donation and eye care, and undertake housing and housing related projects
I) Actively address issues related to youth affairs and promote child and women welfare.
J) Strongly uphold the protection and promotion of human rights on a global scale.
Join us in our efforts to foster a society where everyone, regardless of age or gender, can thrive and contribute to their communities.
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